When Team Bush pulls the trigger on your listing, there are 10 key systems that activate to get your home sold FAST and for TOP DOLLAR
The Team Bush Approach
- Listing Agreement Signed
- Custom Marketing Plan Prepared on Your Home
- Ads and Sales Sheets Written for You Home
- Aggressive Marketing Begins through Multiple Media Channels
1. Multiple Listing Services
2. Five Different Websites including viewgoldenhorseshoehomes.com
3. Newspaper and Classifieds Ads
4. Descriptive Sell Sheets
5. Postcards
6. Email to Team Bush’s Proprietary Network of Cooperative Agents and Real Estate Investors
7. Direct Contact with our large list of “Buyers in Waiting” who have registered their preferences for the home they want to buy
8. Internal Marketing: the members of Team Bush meet every Monday, weekly to fully brief each other on all new listings - Your Home Sold Guaranteed, Or We’ll Buy It!
To List Your Home, Call Team Bush 905-297-4885