10 Treasures to Remember in Order to Survive and Thrive in The Storms of Life
“Do you want us to save your wife or your child?”
The doctor’s frantic question stripped Ike Reighard of his dream of fatherhood and threw him headlong into a nightmare he was not expecting.
Can you imagine being faced with such a question or circumstance? You may know someone or maybe you are one who has had to face crushing circumstances that life brings at times. Dr. Ike Reighard, author of ‘Treasures from the Dark’ is a gifted teacher of servant leadership principles. A core value of our real estate company!
In our quest to build a great business that serves others, we have read many books, attended many seminars and learned much from very successful business people offering to share what works to give clients better serviced and results.
Dr. Ike Reighard is one of those people. He has graciously given his time and knowledge to many, including us, who believe in being their best and doing their very best for others. His back story is amazing! So, amazing and touching that we wanted to share some of it with you here in this newsletter.
We are doing this because we all will face difficulty in life at some point. Many reading this already have. Ike calls these circumstances ‘the storms of life’.
“Treasures from the Dark” book is the story of Ike Reighard’s journey from grief-stricken despair to hope and joy. We have all known loss to some degree, whether from death, divorce, financial hardship, physical disability, or any number of things. Ike’s honesty and faith in the midst of his pain will encourage you and anyone you know going thru a challenging time.
We encourage you to grab a copy and share with anyone you know who may be facing pain or difficulty in their life. The best thing we can do when others are experiencing pain in life is to share our own painful experiences and/or that of others who are willing to share, in hopes it will help them better deal with and move thru these tragic events. A great example would be something we told our youngest daughter one time, when she was feeling depressed over a very tough circumstance. We told her the quickest way out of that depressed state was to go help someone else. We realize that is tough when you yourself are feeling down, but it has proven, in our experience, to be the best medicine.
One of our mentors, the late Zig Ziglar, had this to say about Ike’s book: “Treasures from the Dark” gives you a unique opportunity to see the hurt and bewilderment of a man of faith as he suffered the inexpressible grief of losing his wife he loved and the baby he cherished. You’ll feel his grief in a real and personal way, and you will probably shed some tears as you read about his deep, personal loss. This book is for the hurting who are seeking hope. “Treasures from the Dark” will take you to the depths, but even there, you learn you’re there for just a brief tour and not a permanent stay. You will be lifted to unparalleled heights. Skillfully and sensitively presented, this message will strengthen your faith, renew your hope and provide you with some guidelines that will make a difference in your life.”
We reached out to Ike as we were preparing this newsletter for you and asked him if he would share some additional advice for anyone experiencing the toughest things life has to offer.
Here are what Dr. Ike calls 10 Treasures to Remember in Order to Survive and Thrive in The Storms of Life
2) Life Is Tissue Paper Thin. Everything can change in a moment and your life will never be the same.
3) Nothing Ever Catches God Off Guard. Nothing Has Ever “Occurred” To God. Whether a religious person or not, does not change this fact.
4) A Troubled Faith Is Better Than No Faith at All.
5) Trouble Handled Rightly is the righteous quest.
6) It Is One Thing to Tell Your Story, It Is another Thing to Live Your Story!
7) Helping Others Brings You Out of any Depressed State.
8) Blaming Others When Things Go Insane is Easy. Forgiveness and Faith is How You Grow Through It.
9) Never Doubt in The Dark What You Know to Be True in The Light.
10) Live Your Story Now the Way You Will Want to Tell Your Story in the Future.
Adversity Will Prepare You to Help Other People.
With that, we want to thank you for being connected to our real estate business. We love helping people locate and relocate the place they call home. We are grateful for the opportunity to serve!
Craig & Coleen Bush
(Sales Representative & Broker)
The Bush Team with Re/Max Escarpment
The Market has Shifted!!
The market has made a swift change from a Seller’s market to a balanced market. It’s now one of the best times to enter then market in the last 12-18 months! There are now far fewer multiple offer situations forcing cash offers, and we can include conditions to safeguard your purchase. Currently, there are twice the number of homes on the market as there was a short time ago (see June’s Market Trend). With more selection, buyers have the opportunity to shop around. You can shop assured you will find the right property for the right price.
We encourage buyers to secure their mortgage pre-approval rate as soon as possible. All indications point to the Bank of Canada raising interest rates very soon. That way you can lock in today’s lower interest rate for the next 90-120 days! If you’d like guidance on what to do to lock into these rates please call our office: 905-297-4885.
Your Referrals Help the Kids!
Over the years, we have some ask us why we support CityKidz. We have personally seen how this organization has changed the lives of children living in the inner city of Hamilton. We have personally participated in packaging gifts for Christmas, Coleen and our kids have assisted with their programs and home visitations. Children are our future and we are committed to make a difference in our community.
THANK YOU for your referrals! We are on our way to raising $10,000 for CityKidz!
For anyone considering a move that we help, you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause.
We want to make it easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move, so here are your options:
- You can go to www.HelpTheKidz.com and enter their contact info on line or forward the link to who you know considering a move.
- Of course you can always call us direct as well at 905-297-4885.