Team Bush Home News – WINTER 2018 ISSUE

“Thou Shall Prosper”

Like most I did not grow up a rich kid.  I recall when I was young I received an allowance, but only if I completed specific chores around the house.  I also
remember being incentivized by my parents for doing extra work around the house to earn the things I wanted.

At a pre-teen age, I took over cutting the lawn at our home. I took some pride in it and a couple neighbor took notice and approached me to cut theirs as well.  

I quickly realized the appeal of the work – reward cycle and expanded my little enterprise.  Now as a business-boy, my folks ask me to pay for the gas used and I helped maintain the equipment. I was able to develop a sense of
independence, self esteem, as well as save quite a handy little sum of money that allowed me to save first for the purchase of a dirt-bike and eventually my first car.

I’m hopeful that you have lots of stories like this in your past that you can share.  Coleen and I have tried to pass on these lessons to our own children (with varying degrees of success).  We may have waited a bit late to really press the earning lessons of life.  We also know from personal experience how hard it must have been for my parents to say NO and rather offer a pathway to earn what I wanted vs just giving it to me. For this I am so grateful.

Thomas Edison said “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.”  Dave Ramsey, a personal finance personality, is quoted as saying “More and more, it seems, like people want wealth but they don’t want to work for it.  They need a shot in the arm, a call back to the virtue, ethics, morality, and importance of business.” 

One of the best books of all time I have read on this subject is Thou Shall Prosper by Daniel Lapin.  Whether you are a part time coffee clerk or a big time corporate CEO, Lapin shows you a whole new mind-set about work and about money.  According to Dave Ramsey, most people never realize the two are connected.  

In the Forward of the book, Dave Ramsey writes “Beyond the work money connection, Lapin’s overall thesis is fascinating. Some people may not be comfortable with it, but I think history shows it to be true: Jewish people are unusually gifted at making and managing money.  It is not a racial thing; it’s a cultural thing. There is something in the cultural mindset and national experience of the Jewish people that we need to recognize if we want to win with money.”

Money is really about people and relationships which Lapin describes as a Spiritual Reality. Money is the buzz; the connection that makes our interpersonal networks rich and fulfilling.  In a sense money connects two dreamers. Think about that. I personally love to go fishing and it doesn’t bother me a bit to spend money doing that particular thing.

Imagine that it is another person’s dream to own a fishing guide service and operates on the Big Horn River in Eastern Montana (on my bucket list). That guide is fulfilled and motivated by providing a great service and experience. He invests time fishing the river and making notes of all the best spots.  He has to do this a lot in his spare time because of changing weather conditions, seasons and water levels.  I could easily just show up to the river on my own walk down and start fishing but likely NOT catch a single rainbow trout because I don’t have the knowledge of what they are eating that day based on all of the various things I just mentioned.

So, thru some sort of referral or marketing I connect up with the guide, hand him my money and he hands me a great time!  Fish, knowledge, history, experience.  We are both excited about the transaction and we both get what we want, and both of our dreams are fulfilled.  In that moment, it isn’t about money. Money is just what facilitated our relationship.

You see in business, if you don’t do a good job, no one will give you these little certificates (money). And if that happens you go out of business. The Ten Financial “Commandments” outlined in Daniel Lapin’s book are for everybody. You do not have to be Jewish, don’t have to be rich and you don’t have to own a business or aspire to become the next Jeff Bezos. They are simple practical principles for life and business. They have to do with how you view money, how you treat people, and how you represent yourself in the marketplace. I believe our “business life” is about service and adding value.

Maybe that is why I like this book so much and decided to include references to it in this season’s Home News.  It too is not about becoming rich, it is about adding value – to yourself, your family, and the world around you. When you contribute to the well-being of other people through honorable business and wise stewardship, you win. And it’s not just your victory, it impacts everyone around you. You can actually create wealth in your community, and when you do, everyone benefits.

Consider picking up a copy of Daniel Lapin’s Thou Shall Prosper: Ten Commandments for Making Money.  A special thanks to Dave Ramsey for the extra wisdom in the book as well.

Go Serve Big!

Craig and Coleen Bush (Sales Representative)


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The Real Estate Invest Corner

Building Wealth Through Real Estate

You may also be interested in the other great properties that are for sale in the Golden Horseshoe that are GREAT DEALS, but please know that these homes will most likely NOT be available next week because the good deals go fast. Call us  TODAY at  905-297-4885.

Become a V.I.P Member to get PRIORITY ACCESS to Properties that MATCH what you are looking for before they are Online. Go to:


Why we Support CityKidz? This is something that is very close to our hearts. Their location is where Coleen grew up in Hamilton North End which is a low income area. We wanted to give back to our community and felt that it would be a great opportunity to help out. We felt that by investing our time and money with the CityKidz organization, we could help families in our community that are living in low income situations.

The people at #CityKidz are amazing at what they do for disadvantaged Kidz in the #Hamilton area. The volunteers at CityKidz reach out to over 2000 children every week. These volunteers know them by name, their birthdays and make sure that they get a meal every Saturday and Sunday. Some volunteers will even go into their homes to pick up the children for Saturday programs and at times, their situation is not always a good one. So, they give these children a chance to grow and thrive to achieve their dreams. They instill down to earth values and that they are important.

Through the input by our Team supporting this organization, we are investing in a different outcome for this Kidz so we know that these Kidz are invested in and start learning that they have someone in their corner, we can break the cycle of poverty, that these Kidz can grow up to be leaders in our community. We don’t want any kid left behind. We don’t want any family left behind. So, we know that the quality of our community comes down to the basics of investing in the Kidz and investing into our community. We know that working together and supporting CityKidz will make Hamilton a better place to live.

We are committed to donating a portion of our income to CityKidz and we need your help by referring us to those you know that are thinking about making a move and we will provide them our outstanding, award winning service.

OUR MISSION is to raise $10,000 to CityKidz and We Need YOUR Help Achieving This!


For anyone considering a move that we help, you can rest assured that not only will they get the award winning service we are known for, but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause. Your Referrals Really Do Help the Kids…

We want to make it easy to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move, so here are your options:

  1. You can pass along our business card to them, I have enclosed a couple here for that purpose.
  2. You can go to and enter their contact info on line or forward the link to who you know considering a move.
  3. Of course you can always call me direct as well at 905-297-4885.

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