InHouse – Spring 2019

Exclusive Information from the Team Bush Home Selling Team

Core Value #5 – Embrace Continual Improvement

We couldn’t think of anything better to bring you in this seasons InHouse than one of our favorite Core Values of our great and historic real estate company. Embrace Continual Improvement.

Picture for a moment what our world would look like if growth never occurred.  In the simplest form of the word that would be quite a sight.  Babies as far as the eye could see and no one to help them grow into the person and people that they were created to be.  But what if we carried that same thought past the physicality of growing and viewed the process of growth that occurs in the mind.  This growth has a much greater capacity in that it not only has the ability to shape the present but more importantly, the future. 

The most powerful concept and idea that any person will ever attach to is the concept of Continual Improvement.  This concept is not merely an idea but should be classified as a universal business principle that has incredible weight and power in our lives.  A universal principle should be seen as a controlling factor in in any outcome and the more it is known and understood, the more it can be leveraged for one’s benefit.  Consider gravity.  No matter what I believe about gravity it is holding my feet to the ground right this second.  If I don’t know about, or choose not to believe in gravity, it is still holding my feet firmly to the ground.  There are several other principles and laws that will allow me to counteract the effects of gravity.  Knowing and understanding these laws and principles will allow me to use these forces as an advantage as opposed to them becoming a hindrance or impediment in my life. 

Author Jim Rohn has said that we are the average of the 5 people that we spend the most time with.  Let’s carry that further with the idea that you are the average of not just the 5 people but of the 5 sources that you learn from.  This is principle number one that I’d like you to connect with.  Make a list of the 5 places or sources where you spend the most time and you will find that your thinking will not have the ability to go beyond those things.  For most people in North America the list is pretty easy to compile… Television, Social Media, Movies, Internet Games, Magazines.  More people can tell me who is married to Brad Pitt than could list the 3 major parts to any business that must exist for it to succeed or the top 3 things you can do to organize your day and minimize stress in your life.  But we live each day wondering how is it that some people seem to have success and we seem to be stuck in a rut.  If we told you that you could accomplish incredible things in the world, would you believe us?  Why is it that many people feel that they are relegated to be average?  Why do we end up feeling like just another person lost in the shuffle of life doing the same things every day, over and over and over again? 

Perhaps one of the most significant obstructions to stepping out of the ordinary and attempting to attain the extraordinary is the common opinion, that perhaps, we already know everything that we need to know. But imagine for a moment that this belief was eradicated from your mind. Picture waking up in the morning with the feeling that you did not know what you needed to know to survive the day. What would you do? How would your day, week, year and life change? The problem is that once you believe you know everything, you can’t learn anything. If you believe you know most of what you need to know to be successful then you will seek to learn just a little bit. Leaders are learners… to the extent, they believe they need to. Spend a day with the most successful people in the world and you will see a stack of books on their nightstand by their bed… they are forever learning, a belief they only know what they know and need to learn more.  

That leads us into the introduction of another universal business principle that will change your future. The problems that have been created in our lives cannot be solved with the same thinking under which those problems began. New knowledge and information is necessary to effectively resolve those issues. People tend to look at problems in life and business from one of two perspectives. The first is to throw our hands up in the air and bellow about the miserable hand that we’ve been dealt and to give into the depression of our bad luck. The second is to understand that practically every issue that we face can be solved if we go on a mission to find the knowledge and information that will lead us to the solution.

Here is an amazing quote from Richard DeVoss on success. “The only thing that stands between a person and what they want from life is often merely the will to try it and the faith to believe that it is possible.” I think there is a lot of truth in that statement. What do you need to believe about yourself and what are you willing to do to move toward where you want to go? Most of us understand what wisdom is but are we willing to make the choice to set aside the time necessary and labour to attain it?

Let me tell you a little about where I started to give you a look into a path that has led me to advancement and success. My parents both worked when I was growing up and instilled in me a desire to be successful in business. I owned my first business in my early teens cutting grass for neighbours. I tried and I failed with another business selling door to door fire alarms. Failed again at a multi-level marketing venture. I worked for Goodyear selling tires and then moved to a Dutch Multi National Firm and ending up being laid-off with a downsizing initiative as sales manager. It was then that I joined Coleen in our Real Estate business. It has been a long challenging 26 year journey that has proven highly successful. I’ll admit without those early challenges and failures, it’s likely that our career now would simply NOT have been. When my first business was failing, I’m not proud to say that I threw my hands up and said “I just can’t do it.” One of my mentors challenged me saying “… CAN’T never could, because it never had a chance. If you believe you CAN’T, you are right. If you believe you CAN, you are also right.” (I think Yoda had a similar quote) This challenge caused me to draw a line in the sand so that I now question myself when fear rises and I believe that I can’t do something. My thought process became and is becoming more positive. I believe that in every situation that I may not currently know the solution to my problem, all I really need is new knowledge and information. If I am willing to pick up a book, go on YouTube or seek advice I can attain that knowledge and I can move forward instead of remaining stuck. I made a promise to myself that I would read and seek out knowledge and wisdom. 

I believe the capacity for your life is limitless when you decide to take control and choose what you will put into your mind and then act to do it. It is an impossibility to make this choice and for your life to remain the same. You will experience growth and there will be movement toward the outcome that you desire. 

When I made the decision to start learning to be the person that I desired, I developed a new hunger for reading and surrounding myself with the people that could help me achieve what I wanted in life. One of the first books I read was, Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, which primed my mind to start thinking differently. I moved forward to one of my favorite authors, Andy Stanley. In his book, Visioneering, he details the idea of preparing for the success you would like to achieve even before an opportunity has presented itself. 

One of our favorite quotes from Andy is, “Direction, Not Intention, Determines your Destination… You cannot get to California from the Midwest by going east, unless you want to fly around the world.” All the best intentions will never get you to where you want to go in life. Therefore, many of us end up fighting an uphill battle to achieve success and never find what we are looking for. 

How many people can you name that are highly successful doing what they set out to achieve? How many of those people are you around on a consistent basis for you to learn from? “We don’t rise to the level of our expectations; we fall to the level of our training.” Although frequently credited to a Navy Seal Commander, we can originally attribute this quote to the Greek poet, Archilochus. What quotes do you have written on the walls of your office? How do you keep your mind focused on the right things? Who are the five people that you are spending time with and learning from? What are the five sources that you are choosing to draw from as the foundation for your future? Pick up a pen right now and start writing. Put in place the plan for your future by changing your current surroundings and situation. This is the only way to break the cycle in which you have been stuck.

How does change begin? First, it starts with a change in your mindset. Make the decision to learn everything you can so that you can be the best at what you do. Internalize what Jim Collins said, “Good is the Enemy of Great.” That belief will prime your mind and set your intentions into action. Second, make up a plan. Set your schedule daily to include time for personal growth. Morning or evening doesn’t matter. Just choose the time that you are most alert and ready to absorb something new. Third, find people that are ahead of you on the path and walk with them in the same direction. Continual Improvement is not a fad a casual pastime or passing trend. It is a way of life that you can implement to achieve the personal growth and success that you want. Join us and make the decision to re-activate your journey today. We have never met anyone who invested in themselves and was disappointed with the returns! Do this, for yourself, your family, your community. You are needed! 

Go Serve Big!!! By: Craig & Coleen Bush

We have special financing options available as well as tenants who will rent these homes if you need assistance with that. If these homes do not interest you, then contact us about other great investment opportunities. Just know the good deals go fast! If you know of anyone else who may be interested in building wealth through real estate investing, please pass on our contact info or provide us with theirs.  Thank you!

For VIP Pricing of these & more Coming Soon Condos, Call Craig Bush, 905-297-4885 or Fill Out the Form at the Bottom of this Article.

A FREE List of other Cash Flow Properties is Available upon Request.

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As you may have heard, CityKidz does for the children living in the Hamilton area.  We are thankful to have such a wonderful organization in our community that give of their time to reach out to over 2000 children every week by providing them programs, meals and a chance to thrive in less desirable circumstances so they can achieve their dreams. 

CityKidz depends on volunteers and donations to help them invest in a different outcome for children living in poverty. This is why we here at Team Bush-Your Home Sold Guaranteed have resolved to do what we can to help. 

For homes we sell this year, we are donating a portion of our income to CityKidz. Our goal is to raise $10,000 to help them in their quest to Break The Cycle of Poverty in the city of Hamilton. 

This is where you can help!

Who do you know considering making a move you could refer to our award-winning real estate sales team? For anyone considering a move that we help, you but that a solid portion of the income we receive from the transaction will go toward a very worthy cause.

We want to make it easy for you to refer your friends, neighbors, associates or family members considering making a move, so go to and fill out the form online. Of course you can always call us direct as well at 905-297-4885.

You and your referrals mean more than ever to our Team.  As we move forward in this new season, please know we are extremely thankful for you and your being a special part of our  business.  

Will all our appreciation from Team Bush & CityKidz!

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