Downsize Sooner than Later
“I thought I would downsize when I was 52 and now I am 72″
Theses were the words from a client that resonated in my mind. She is not too different from many.
Will I say the same thing? Hopefully not!
So here begins the baby action steps to the process to downsize from our perspective.
We have helped many people downsize and one thing that most say is that it is better to work at it gradually rather than all at once. As long as you have the luxury of time on your side, begin with the end in mind. Where do you want to be in 5-10 years?
At 55, we have begun to downsize, de-clutter, pre-stage for our future life style and home.
Mentally & physically I am not ready for the move because I love my home & location, so in the meantime I am taking steps to get our home ready for the day we are ready to sell our happy nest.
Before taking on too many big projects like kitchens, bathrooms, flooring …start with the very doable editing, eliminating of your possessions.
Always have 3 boxes on the go: 1) for throw away, 2) give away 3) pack, label and deal with later in the move. Set yourself a weekly or biweekly goal to always be moving your stock so that you are left with the most precious, valuable and usable possessions.
Over the last year, I have been de-cluttering my closet. The litmus test is: have you worn it in the last year? Do the reverse hanger trick. Put all your clothes in with the hanger hoop facing you and at the end of a month see which ones you have used since once you take out a piece of clothing you will put the hanger back with the hook facing away from you…it will become very clear what you can move out into one of the boxes.
Once you get the wardrobe under control…start with the dining room or the room that you have a lot of stuff in that barely gets used…the idea is to build momentum of accomplishments. Taking 15 minutes a day can do marvelous things for your well being as well as de cluttering your home.
Summer is a great time to have a garage sale with your neighbors to get rid of stuff but don’t expect to make a lot of money.
If you have more expensive things to sell go to Kijiji or Ebay and you will do better than putting them in a garage sale.
Furniture can be sold at consignment stores (usually you get 50% of the sale price) and this will allow you to get some extra cash for the new pieces you may want in your new place.
Help the Community while You Downsize
Taking advantage of all the different local Hamilton charities to give to such as:
- Bibles for Missions
- Mission Services
- Amity
- Salvation Army
- Good Shepard
- Women’s Shelters
- Value Village (Donates proceeds to Canadian Diabetes & Cerebral Palsy)
Check out my next blog post and pinterest for more de-cluttering tips and my success stories for downsizing.
Also check out my website if you are ready to move
Post a comment below if you would like our FREE Report for Steps to Downsizing too.
Coleen Bush (Broker)
The Bush Team with RE/MAX Escarpment Realty Inc. Brokerage