Top 10 Reasons to Invest in Hamilton

Top 10 Reasons to Invest In Hamilton!

  1. The only municipal economic development in office in Canada that is officially accredited by the International Economic Development Council- providing a high calibre of professional skill in the economic development field.
  2. In 2012 and 2013, Site Selection Magazine out of Atlanta, Georgia and the Calgary-based Real Estate Investment Network (REIN) ranked Hamilton as the best place to the invest in Canada and Ontario respectively.
  3. Hamilton is located in the centre of the most densely populated corridor of economic activity in Canada (Hamilton is Canada’s 9th largest regional economy in Canada with a GDP per capita of approximately $48,000 (2006, CAD) and is the 5th largest “Mega-Region” in North America (Martin Prosperity Group, Hamilton Benchmarking). Within an 30 minute commute, Hamilton has easy access to a highly skilled, well educated and productive labour force of over 1 million people.
  4. Acres of available employment lands with competitive development charges and a fraction of costs of those found in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA)
  5. Uniquely positioned as a Transportation Hub for the Goods Movement Industry – Home to the Port of Hamilton (the busiest of all the Canadian Great Lakes ports), John C. Munro International Airport (one of Canada’s largest courier and cargo airport generating more cargo flights than any other airport in Canada), proximity to national rail lines and easy access to major 400 Series of Highways and multiple international border crossings, Hamilton has long been cited as a key gateway for Goods Movement through southern Ontario.
  6. Hamilton’s Agricultural sector generates $1.26 billion a year for the local economy, and the food processing sector is one of the fastest growing in Ontario- including over $500 million in investments by Maple Leaf Foods in just the past three years alone
  7. McMaster University consistently ranks as one of Canada’s top 3 most research-intensive (number of research dollars per faculty member) universities and home to Canada’s first human embryonic stem cell library. The Research holds promise to treat catastrophic illnesses that range from cancer to Parkinson’s to spinal cord regeneration.
  8. Mohawk College is the largest trainer of apprentices in Ontario – annually serves 10,000 full-time, 3,000 apprenticeship, and 300 international students, as well as 5,000 adult learners and 42,000 continuing education registrants.
  9. Hamilton Health Sciences employs nearly 10,000 people and is comprised of six unique hospitals and a cancer centre – was recently selected by GE Healthcare to be the first site in the world to receive new prototype technologies for use in a molecular breast imaging research program.
  10. One of the strongest young professional networks in Canada (Hamilton Hive) that focuses on next generation talent development, building a talent pool of highly skilled employees, and building and sharing business networks.

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